Curated by Robert Frankle, Jade Montserrat, Maurice Carlin, and Pippa Koszerek, Press Room is a temporary community that will come together for an intensive period of dialogue and creative investigation over the period of the Venice Biennale preview week. Inspired by the stage-like qualities and meditative aura of the official press room at the 2013 Biennale, Press Room will mirror the structures and activities of the 2015 Biennale's official preview week, to establish an experimental press, questioning through conceptual briefs and artistic acts how information is constructed and disseminated.
Three breakfast 'press briefings' take place in Venice on the mornings of 6, 7, and 8 May. They are open to anyone to attend. Select curators, journalists, thinkers and art world individuals have been invited to contribute a conceptual news brief for the artist reporting team to respond to. Members of the public are invited to join this experimental press as citizen journalists - just attend a breakfast meeting.
All briefs and responses are broadcast on social media, via the Press Room twitter account @pressroomvenice and a website. Follow the 'Breaking News' announcements to keep up to date with the project's developments, including preparations for the events, conceptual briefs and their artistic responses.
Venue: Movie Bistro, San Marco, Venice 3997/d
Dates: 6, 7, and 8 May 2015
Times: 8.45 am - 10 am. Briefings 9 am - 9.30 am.
Artistic responses to briefs
Artistic responses to Robert Frankle's briefs