Due to the Corona crisis, long-standing habits no longer have value. The shut down has reduced social contacts to a minimum. How do people, how do artists deal with this unfamiliar life situation? But the Coronavirus isn't the plague, and not all infected people will be die. Probably, the crisis is a wake-up call - an opportunity to rethink and change!? As an integral part of the festival, the videos released as apart of Corona! Shutdown? are artistic contributions to these and other fundamental questions - about social coexistence, solidarity, etc.
Two works were presented in this virtual exhibition.
These two videos have been extracted from installations and repurposed as reflections on the 2020 “Corona crisis”. Washing takes hand washing as a perpetual loop to a level of obsessiveness. First Gaze reflects on the moment of awakening in slightly slowed motion as we gaze at ourselves and take stock during shutdown.